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500 times UDN. Issue 84


1na, along with 500 dishes, embarks on a culinary journey to Kaohsiung. In Taiwan, seeking fine dining is no longer confined to Taipei. Kaohsiung, brimming with an array of newly opened urban resort hotels and Michelin-starred restaurants, has unquestionably emerged as the trendsetting city for popular travel on this beautiful island in recent years. Now, let's join 1na on this flavor-filled journey - together, let's unveil the culinary secrets of Kaohsiung and find out just how "delicious" this city truly is!

1na跟著500盤,踏上高雄美食之旅。在台灣,尋找高級美食,已不再只有台北一條路。高雄,這個擁有眾多新開幕的城市型度假酒店和米其林星級餐廳的城市,毫無疑問已成為近年來寶島上人氣旅遊城市的領頭羊。現在就讓我們跟著1na,開啟這場盡享味蕾的旅程吧~ 一起來揭開高雄美食的神秘面紗,看看這座城市究竟有多美味

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